Where are Australia's Best Bean Bag Cinemas?

10 June 2014

beanbag cinemas australia

Bean bags are no longer just for home. Businesses around the world are beginning to take advantage of bean bag furniture. Because the comfort and ergonomic support of bean bag chairs benefit their customers. One type of business that is revolutionising the use of bean bags is the bean bag cinema. Whether you want to catch the latest Hollywood blockbusters or locally produced independent films, you can now do so in one of the following bean bag cinemas.

Hoyts Bean Bag Cinemas

The most popular cinemas with bean bag seating are those operated by the national cinema chain Hoyts Exhibition. Hoyts Cinemas now offers three public Bean Bag Cinemas and one semi-private location at The Royal Children’s Hospital. Hoyts allows you to see all of the latest movies in deluxe, oversized bean bags that provide enough room for two adults. While the ticket price is a little higher than it is for a standard Hoyts screen, many people are drawn to the bean bags to experience movies in a new way. However, once you try it out, you may not be able to go back to a regular cinema again. Also to be comfortable by perfectly conforming to the contours of your body, the Hoyts locations offer moviegoers unique style and ambience. The bean bags are soft and available in a variety of patterns and colours, including neon purple and zebra stripe. Also, a stationary tray is available on the side of each for placing snacks and beverages.

Indoor Bean Bag Cinemas

1. Hoyts Melbourne Central – 1300 357 357 Hoyts Melbourne Central is on the third floor of the Melbourne Central shopping centre. The cinema includes 12 screens, one of which is the Bean Bag Cinema.

Hoyts Bean Bag Cinemas

2. Hoyts Mt. Druitt – (02) 9003 3880 In the Sydney suburb of Mount Druitt is the Westfield Shopping Centre, and located just above the food court is the Hoyts Bean Bag Cinema. This location offers ample free parking and the latest movies.

3. Hoyts Southlands – (08) 9466 4940 Hoyts Southlands is the only location in Perth with an indoor bean bag cinema. The cinema is located just across the street from Burrendah Park.

4. The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne – (03) 9345 5522 Hoyts Cinemas operates a Bean Bag Cinema, especially for the families and children in The Royal Children’s Hospital. It is on the ground floor of the North Building.

Other Indoor Cinemas

In addition to the locations offered by Hoyts Cinemas, you can enjoy movies from the comfort of bean bags in several other indoor cinemas:

5. Mansfield Armchair Cinemas – (03) 5775 2049 Situated in the quiet town of Mansfield, Victoria, about 190 km northeast of Melbourne, is the acclaimed Mansfield Armchair Cinemas. This nonprofit organisation was established in 2008 for the benefit of students to give them the skills and experience required to operate a business. The two screens at the cinema each include regular seating, 12 luxurious leather recliners and ten three-person bean bags. Annual and monthly memberships are available for providing discounts and free seat upgrades.

6. The Gardens Outdoor Cinemas

Opening in December 2023, the Gardens Outdoor Cinemas are located at 850 Stud Road, Scoresby, near the iconic entrance to Caribbean Gardens. The gardens offer a huge number of comfortable bean bag lounges. Additionally there is an awesome food and beverage menu to suit all tastes. 

7. Sunset Cinema Canberra (02) 9029 5745 Sunset Cinema Canberra is at the National Botanic Gardens.

8. Sunset Cinema Wollongong (02) 9029 5745 Visit Sunset Cinema Wollongong at the Wollongong Botanic Gardens.

9. Sunset Cinema North Sydney (02) 9029 5745 Sunset Cinema North Sydney is at the North Sydney Oval. Other outdoor cinemas with bean bags available are as follows:

10. Movies by Burswood  Movies by Burswood is a community outdoor cinema sponsored by various companies each year that benefits children’s charities. It is in Burswood Park near the Swan River.

11. Moonlight Cinema Moonlight Cinema is held in the Belvedere Amphitheatre of Centennial Park in Paddington, New South Wales, beginning in December. Do you own an outdoor cinema? Check out our huge range of moonlight cinema bean bags.

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